So good game but Canti is just so ... Rock HARD MAN.
Really, I tried 3 times to beat Canti, impossible
So good game but Canti is just so ... Rock HARD MAN.
Really, I tried 3 times to beat Canti, impossible
This song was better then the one at the end of you have to burn the rope!
good but
i did like the others better cause it was almost all camera, no paper looking zombies, but hey, you do a good job
Now how bout that nifty niss...
Giving since most shooters like this out there are longer consist of levels and have power ups, this is cool because it gives you a break from that and allows you to play through multiple enemys and a boss all in one level and beating the game! (not to mention the music syncs with it all.
PS: The bosses death laza is cool to the max...
PSS: The laza is not as cool as shoop da woop but still awesome.
PSSS: IM A FIRAN MA LAZAHHHH! sorry, that got stuck in mah I mean my head :3
good game
Ending is good
That ending reminded me of gta 4 as well as its ending...
Was I aspose to kill everyone with japanese nuke?
Ok game
Graphics were neat.
The ballon things were too sensitive as well as the controlls
Could of had a little bit more veriety
this makes me feel weird on the inside...
Wow this game is so adicting. I even just like flinging the body every where to watch what happens to him. this definitly is one of the best ragdoll games I have ver played
teh good
It was pretty nice and stragetic in most ways, Got stuck some times but i fineshed the game in the end. could of made the peopole do something a little more animated then just change 1 figure but still exelent, heres my level code, by the way dont use any more than the three small rocks::
35,235|w_w:598.35,113.3|fl_w:543.35,4 1.7|fl_w:543.35,51.65|w_s:471.65,365|
w_s:471.65,240|w_s:471.7,118.3|w_s:61 8.35,358.25|w_s:618.35,235|w_s:618.35 ,121.65|w_i:451.7,360|w_i:451.65,238.
3|w_i:451.65,118.3|w_i:636.7,358.35|w _i:636.7,235|w_i:636.7,113.3|p_s:448.
35,6.65|p_s:636.7,10|p_s:463.35,8.3|p _s:621.7,8.3|p_c:485,11.65|p_c:603.35 ,13.35|c_k:539.9,1.6|w_s:503.3,-26.7|
583.4,-116.7|fl_s:538.3,-156.7|fl_s:5 36.65,-168.35|fl_s:538.3,-178.35|w_i:
483.35,-66.7|w_i:603.35,-70.05|c_n:46 6.65,-220|c_s:590.05,-216.7|c_p:533.3 ,-220|c_q:545,380|c_n:403.35,368.35|c _n:364.9,366.7|c_n:325,365.05|fl_i:75 6.7,406.65|fl_i:758.3,400|f_i:745.05,
s:1158.35,383.35|c_s:1195,390|c_s:123 3.35,386.65|w_w:1125.05,358.25|w_w:87 0,356.65|w_w:913.35,360|w_s:953.35,36 0|w_s:993.35,360|w_i:1041.7,363.35|w_
i:1048.4,238.35|, enjoy
My soul is scattered into painting sized fragments
Joined on 5/12/08