Well I am no pro in your degree, but please hear my thoughts. The animation was abosolutely splendid. Very smooth and very proportinol. The voices were ok, seemed somewhat unreal but who knows how that will turn out. Your character design on the people shown in the trailer seem simple but memorable, especially the most probable villains we see at the end. The trailer really started to kick twards the end when much movement and suspense built. If you can incorporate that into your main series, it will defeinitely take it and fly my friend. Your work is really good and can only get better. Good luck, its too bad this wasnt first page longer, unfortunately it is true that the community of newgrounds holds comedy simply higher beyond all. But if your series can rise to the front page then that will prove something different that we would all hope for. So keep going and dont lose motivation, for that seems to be the antagonist of great series. Good luck.